Saturday, September 12, 2009


it is true...on monday september 14, molly went to the spa for the very first time!! she got herself a new hairdo and a pedicure!! she has been needing to be groomed for a while now, and i have tried to do it myself and got nowhere! i thought i should let a professional try. i found this place here in dallas called WUFSPA. i originally was looking for a place to take her for doggy daycare while my sis and heath were here. daycare didnt work out, but i thought hey...why not let her go to the spa for the morning. i honestly felt like a real 'mommy' when we took her! i was soooo nervous about leaving her and once we did, i couldnt stop thinking about her! it's sad i know. you may even think im a lil ridiculous!

when we got there she was very nervous bc there were lots of other dogs there for actual daycare. they all started barking when we walked in and molly wasnt too sure about it. the most CRAZY thing is that she wouldnt even eat a treat! nicholas and i even tried to get her to eat one of hers (i keep them in my purse) and she wouldnt do it. right then...i knew it might not go well! she never turns down a treat! i talked to the groomer lady and told her what i wanted! really i didnt know what i wanted...i just didnt want her to be butchered when we got back.

the lady called about 2:00pm and told us we could come get her! we were excited to see what she looked like! they told me she did pretty good but was a wiggle worm!! they said she didnt eat a treat the whole time she was there. i guess molly was pretty mad at us for taking her there! she looked adorable though!! she looks more like she did when she was a baby! she was sooooo excited to see us! she ate a treat when we got in the car of course! she knew she was safe!

i kinda check out the daycare area and decided i probly wouldnt ever take her there for daycare. they do seperate the dogs by size but some of the s/m dogs were a good bit bigger than her! i would definitely worry about her the whole time she was there. i would die if anything happened to her! the ladies at the spa loved molly and really want her to come back and play!!

you though i was ridiculous before, but now you're going to think im even more ridiculous! i am already planning her 1st birthday party!! she will be one on november 17th! she's growing up! i am really sad that we cant be at home for it though...all of her friends are back home! i think we are going to wait till thanksgiving to celebrate bc we will hopefully be at my sisters house! i found a doggy bakery here! they make really cute cakes! i thought i would get her one for her to share with allie (my parents yorkie). it's going to look like one of her first and favorite toys! it's a soft, pink, squeaky bone i got from molly and max in cahaba heights! i also have someone thats going to make her a lil birthday hat! she's going to hate the hat but love the cake!

she is extremely rotten i know, but she is soooo good for us! she definitely keeps my mind off of things. she always makes both of us laugh! she's the best!!

everyone needs a molly!!!!!!!!!!!!

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