Friday, March 19, 2010

next stop....

SAN FRANCISCO!! it's official. our next assignment will be at marin general hospital in green brae california. it's about 20 minutes north of san francisco. we will be living in san rafael! we have heard that it's a great area. we will be living pretty close to the bay and we will have the pacific ocean on the other side! just wanted to get a quick update in. i will try to update more later!!

where do i begin...

i've been a slacker on keeping my blog updated! sorry!!

i finished up my assignment at cristus santa rosa children's hospital on march 12th. it was bittersweet! im really going to miss all of my friends there! they actually gave me a very nice going away party! i didnt expect it at all! i have made some wonderful friends here!

we've had to make some hard/complicated decisions within the last couple of weeks concerning our jobs/future! we were told that nicholas could have gotten out of his assignment if he simply gave a 2 week notice. what his lovely recruiter didnt bother to mention is that we would have to pay the large cancellation fee. we have had a really hard time with this agency and will NEVER work with them again! we asked them to give us a few days to try and figure things out and they did...luckily! we started praying extremely hard about what to do! we have seriously learned to put our total faith in God!! He is definitely taking care of us!

God answered our prayers this past monday! i was offered a job in green brae, california and a day later nicholas was offered a job at the same hospital. the start date is april 26th. he will continue to work here until april 20th. i have no idea what i am going to do with all of this time off! the hospital has been wishy washy within the past couple of days with my assignment. they think they over-estimated their nicu needs, but they havent given my agency a definite decision yet. we are hoping no news is good news! PLEASE pray that it all works out for the best!! that Gods will would be done!! so as of right now we will be moving to california at the end of april. green brae is 20 minutes from downtown san francisco. it is in between the bay and the coast. from what we understand it is a very nice, wealthy city. the hospital is marin general. a small private hospital. i am more excited about going than i am nervous! it is VERY far away from home!

i know people wonder why in the world we are doing this and sometimes it's even hard for us to understand why we are doing this BUT we know we are where God wants us to be! we are having a great time! we are seeing and doing things we would never ever do! we do miss home and we miss our friends and family more than anything in this world! we appreciate all of the LOVE and support they give us daily! i dont know what we would do without them!

thanks for all of your love and support!!!! we need all the prayers we can get!!