Sunday, March 8, 2009

wonderful weekend!

we have had a GREAT weekend! suzy and heath got to gadsden late friday night! we took them to see our new house saturday morning at 10:30, and we got to meet the previous owners! they are incredible and very generous people! they are from georgia and the only reason they are selling their house is because it is not big enough for all of their children and grandchildren. they have purchased a piece of land in the southside/ohatchee area to build a bigger house on the river. they say this will be their last house to build...they will be retiring there. they are also trying to sell their house in georgia. they were just very nice!

it's time for us to start packing up again! it seems like we just got finished unpacking and moving into our townhouse! i am trying to get organized and make lots of lists, so the move will go as smoothly as possible! we will be closing on march 25th and moving on march 27th!

nicholas, dad, mom, molly and me went out to the house earlier this afternoon and the guys fished off the pier and mom and i sat on the back porch and just talked! dad and nicholas caught several fish in the little time we were there! it made them very proud! we headed back to bham shortly after that and came through ashville...the way we will be going to only took about 45 minutes at the most! not as bad as i thought it would be!

i guess i should wrap it up and get to work. i hope everyone has a WONDERFUL week!

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